Hi I'm Peter's Website :]

And hi I'm Peter. Here are a few of my favourite things I've spent time on:

Using a bunch of computers to understand Internet censorship data by revealing topics in millions of URLs that generalized classifiers would miss

Writing about things like hacking the Dutch Government for a t-shirt, data privacy, interpreting news/social media, and the responsibility we have when releasing tech

Making a series of puzzles themed around historical Quacks to teach players to recognize info manipulation tactics

As you can probably guess from my projects, I care a lot about how technology impacts people!

Over the past few years I've completed 5 internships across small startups and large organizations. I started out focused on highly technical security roles, and more recently I've worked to apply the same mindset more broadly towards societal problems. I believe people are tired of having their trust abused at every level of interaction with technology— and that this mistrust has spilled over into everyday human interactions, fueling division. A lot of my work is done with the goal of finding ways to revitalize trust in mind, but a lot of it is also just for fun.

I'm currently studying Systems Design Engineering at uWaterloo.

Say hi -> pwhiting@uwaterloo.ca

Thanks for stopping by

ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ ♪♬

Whatever happens, happens